All Reviews


The Forbidden Arts – Review

I live for indie developers and the unexpected jewels they produce at times. How can you not admire the ambitiousness of a little fish in a big fish’s pond? Stingbot Games out of California, inspired by retro classics have developed ‘The Forbidden Arts’, released in Early Access on Steam in

Heave Ho – Preview

It’s all in the name as “Heave Ho” is a fun couch co-op game for you and your friends to take a grasp at! Published by Digital Devolver and developed by Le Cartel Studios, Heave Ho is best experienced with friends on a Friday night to get the evening started


Damsel (Xbox One) – Review

Somewhat surprisingly, I’m actually starting to enjoy some of the more arcade style games we’ve been getting recently. It’s been a very nice change of pace and we can generally get a pretty good idea of the game in a relatively short period of time. Plus, when you live in


Pawarumi – Review

I’m not quite old enough for Space Invaders to be a game I grew up with, but I am old enough to remember seeing it in arcades as a stand-alone system, rather than those gaming tables you quite often see in a local pub. I do, however, remember playing some


Let’s Go Nuts – Review

Let’s Go Nuts by BeardedBrothers.Games is certainly a different game, you feel right at home yet also like you are staying at that creepy aunt’s house you’ve never met before. The platforming is so familiar, but the game mechanics are a fresh and unfamiliar take on this tried and true


Etherborn – Review

Well, here we are again! Back and ready to re-dive into the wonderfully creative and mind-bending game of Altered Matter’s Etherborn.  Previously, I wrote about the preview / demo version of this game, giving you a vast outline of what was currently available for this title, the wonders it holds


The Padre – Review

I have never really played any TellTale style games. I think I gave one a shot, but I didn’t enjoy it, so much so, that I don’t even recall the name of it. To me they always felt slow and one directional. I know this isn’t always the case, but


The Sinking City – Review

The Sinking City brings life to the quirky, H.P Lovecraft mythos in this adventure and investigator game developed by Frogwares and published by Bigben Interactive. Frogwares are famously known for previously working on the Sherlock Holmes games such as the Devil’s Daughter and Crimes & Punishment. With The Sinking City,


Furwind – Review

Platforming games are a bit of a retro gamer staple. They have been around for a long time, so in saying that, it is very hard to be innovative on a tried and tested genre. What will the delightful platformer ‘Furwind’ by Boomfire Games do to make it stand out


Terraria – Review

I never had the chance to really get into building games such as Minecraft which is surprising because games that get the creative juices flowing have always piqued my interest. Due to the overwhelming number of children that flock to these communities, I will admit it also has scared me


Gato Roboto – Review

Ever wondered what would happen if you replaced ‘Samus’ from the ‘Metroid’ series with a cat? And say this cat had access to an impressive arsenal of giant robotic mech suits and weaponry, whilst roaming an isolate space planet? Sounds insane, yet awesome, right?! Well, Devolver Digital, the studio that

Gato Roboto – Preview

Even wondered what would happened if you replaced ‘Samus’ from the ‘Metroid’ series with a cat? And say this cat had access to an impressive arsenal of giant robotic mech suits and weaponary, whilst roaming an isolate space planet? Sounds insane, yet awesome, right?! Well Devolver Digital, the studio that


Katana ZERO – Review

Arguably one of the most addictive indie action games I’ve ever played. EVER! It brings me such excitement to present to you the newly released indie game ‘Katana ZERO’ Akiisoft have absolutely captured the hack-n-slash, side scrolling, action platformer aspect to a T. Katana Zero is addictive, it’s colourful and it creates its own twist on the genre that gives it its own personality.

Etherborn – Preview

It really brings me such joy to see, play and review (or in this case preview) indie games that have such heart and soul in their development. You can really feel that each moment and movement has been undertaken with deep creative love and passion, making the experience just that


Battlloon – Review

Battlloon is one of the many, many indie games that have made their way on to the Nintendo Switch. The Nintendo switch, while still only getting stronger and seemingly holding its own in the console world, has become one of the platforms of choice for independent developers. attlloon is very


Yiik: A Postmodern RPG – Review

This is a very different RPG, when compared to others in the genre, this isn’t set in a fantasy world, nor in a post apocalyptic world, this my friends is in the modern world, hence the title of the game. Yiik: A Postmodern RPG is a single player game playable


GRIS Review

“Gris is a hopeful young girl lost in her own world, dealing with a painful experience in her life. Her journey through sorrow is manifested in her dress, which grants new abilities to better navigate her faded reality. As the story unfolds, Gris will grow emotionally and see her world


Hello Neighbor Review

Hello Neighbor has been around for a while now but recently released on Xbox One. Back in 2015 Dynamic Pixels Kickstarter campaign fell short of its goal, but that didn’t stop Dynamic Pixels. Over the past two years or so, they’ve released several Alpha and Beta builds which have attracted


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